christopher575 (christopher575) wrote,

Twitter Litter

  • 06:39 Family Guy guest star responds to Sarah Palin's criticism (with a sick burn) (via @tobyclick) #
  • 08:29 Donauturm (Vienna) has bungee jumping! I wish the Space Needle did. (check out the Engrish on the page, it's great) #
  • 09:05 "If they can't call for help, what's the point?" Uh, one cop is better than no cops, idiot. #
  • 12:14 Butch Bakery ( is a cute idea but I prefer the way Japanese men deal with this issue. #
  • 12:43 Seeing my old apartment randomly on a friend's Flickr just brought back a surge of nostalgia. #
  • 14:04 Office lingo I just heard that I hope doesn't catch on: "high-pri" #
  • 22:08 I'm building a wall, every day it's getting higher, this time I won't end up another victim of love (song hella stuck in head #
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