- 1st
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter
- 09:40 am Schmupdate - 20 comments
- 11:33 am Lunch - 2 comments
- 05:27 pm IMAG2648.jpg
- 07:59 pm My seestor! - 1 comment
- 2nd
- 12:50 am Twitter Litter - 1 comment
- 08:29 am BONUS Tuesday SchadenFriday sponsored by tehjakers - 11 comments
- 09:33 am Writer's Block: Music of my heart - 1 comment
- 12:34 pm Not particularly - 1 comment
- 01:03 pm The niece and the sister
- 3rd
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter - 13 comments
- 05:58 am Good morning
- 03:40 pm Her sign says "pregnant, homeless" and she's lighting a cigarette - 5 comments
- 08:40 pm Please don't wear pants that make it look like you have no feet
- 4th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter
- 12:57 pm Invasion of the sky spiders - 1 comment
- 01:30 pm Rawr
- 01:46 pm Blue Angels as seen from the bus
- 04:09 pm Movie Cliches - 3 comments
- 09:29 pm The saddest caption in Project Runway history - 3 comments
- 5th
- 12:50 am Twitter Litter - 1 comment
- 07:00 am SchadenFriday - 6 comments
- 04:49 pm IMAG2667.jpg - 4 comments
- 11:25 pm IMAG2672.jpg - 2 comments
- 6th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter
- 08:02 am CATURDAY - 8 comments
- 05:09 pm A proper start to the evening
- 7th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter
- 09:55 am (no subject) - 5 comments
- 11:13 am Yo dawg, I herd you like rings on yo fingers - 2 comments
- 04:00 pm Watching Chris Rocks documentary Good Hair - 2 comments
- 8th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter
- 12:01 pm I can't believe it took me like eight years to think to look for this on YouTube - 3 comments
- 06:35 pm I made dinner - 8 comments
- 9th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter - 1 comment
- 06:38 am Even robots know waffles are better than pancakes - 2 comments
- 09:17 am Schmupdate - 13 comments
- 02:28 pm Fiesta Ware - 1 comment
- 04:34 pm I hate that "12" is associated with football now - 3 comments
- 10th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter
- 10:15 am New command center - 3 comments
- 06:51 pm Phyllis Diller and Sandra Bernhard are on Roseanne's Nuts - 3 comments
- 11th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter
- 05:34 pm Great, now I'm getting ads for Fiesta Ware - 1 comment
- 12th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter
- 06:13 am SchadenFriday - 4 comments
- 09:38 am Ha
- 10:06 am Fredsheets - 7 comments
- 12:37 pm Lunch - 3 comments
- 13th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter
- 07:11 am CATURDAY - 5 comments
- 08:33 am Road trip! - 4 comments
- 09:54 am Current location - 1 comment
- 10:13 am Bacon bloody mary - 10 comments
- 11:11 am For cecilgene
- 12:07 pm Lol - 4 comments
- 06:03 pm Bonus Saturdog - 4 comments
- 14th
- 09:40 am Good morning from Portland - 1 comment
- 05:46 pm What I missed by not going to the air show with Garrett - 4 comments
- 15th
- 08:27 am My inlaws got a kitten!!! - 15 comments
- 12:43 pm The clouds look fake today - 1 comment
- 07:44 pm New season starts tonight! - 5 comments
- 16th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter - 1 comment
- 01:21 pm Schmupdate - 5 comments
- 06:01 pm Current location
- 07:58 pm I made dinner - 5 comments
- 17th
- 12:50 am Twitter Litter
- 08:20 am SchadenFriday BONUS - 2 comments
- 09:11 pm Spotted on Clean House - 3 comments
- 18th
- 12:50 am Twitter Litter
- 08:05 am BONUS Thursday backlog purge SchadenFriday - 4 comments
- 08:36 am Whoa - 3 comments
- 12:41 pm Lunch
- 06:50 pm She is shocked because someone finally pointed out the swastikas all over her vest - 4 comments
- 19th
- 07:56 am SchadenFriday - 7 comments
- 01:24 pm New shirt
- 20th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter
- 06:45 am Caturday - 8 comments
- 07:18 pm Nice evening
- 21st
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter
- 11:13 am No - 9 comments
- 22nd
- 08:04 am 'twas a nice Sunday (grumble) - 4 comments
- 09:32 am I forgot to add in the schmupdate - 25 comments
- 10:31 am Writer's Block: Scary movie - 9 comments
- 01:40 pm For salacious_pop and njbearcub1 - 1 comment
- 02:49 pm That's more like it - 3 comments
- 23rd
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter - 1 comment
- 11:03 am Current food experiment - 5 comments
- 12:24 pm For muriel_puce - 1 comment
- 05:47 pm Current corgi - 2 comments
- 06:58 pm How did I end up on this list? - 4 comments
- 24th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter
- 09:53 am Schmupdate - 4 comments
- 12:26 pm I love when I want to see a specific scene and it happens to be on YouTube - 1 comment
- 25th
- 12:50 am Twitter Litter - 2 comments
- 07:47 am Perhaps the greatest commercial ever made - 1 comment
- 05:51 pm I made dinner - 2 comments
- 26th
- 12:50 am Twitter Litter - 2 comments
- 08:04 am SchadenFriday - 1 comment
- 09:37 am (no subject) - 2 comments
- 12:43 pm New shoes
- 01:20 pm (no subject) - 2 comments
- 05:26 pm Dinner - 2 comments
- 27th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter - 1 comment
- 06:00 am Caturday - 8 comments
- 08:05 pm LiveJournal time machine - 1 comment
- 28th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter
- 11:43 am Heading North
- 12:18 pm Kitty!!! - 3 comments
- 12:36 pm Shot number 2 - 6 comments
- 12:43 pm Eeeeeeeeeee - 4 comments
- 01:58 pm Ladder ballllll - 4 comments
- 06:18 pm Yet another reason binder clips are great
- 29th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter - 3 comments
- 10:47 am I want to go to there - 2 comments
- 02:23 pm Best searches that have lead people to my bathroom blog - 4 comments
- 05:14 pm Garrett made dinner! - 3 comments
- 08:22 pm Hair Battle Spectacular - 2 comments
- 30th
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter
- 09:46 am (no subject) - 4 comments
- 05:44 pm I made dinner - 4 comments
- 31st
- 01:00 am Twitter Litter - 3 comments
- 07:13 pm They fixed the spot where I hurt my ankle - 4 comments