christopher575 (christopher575) wrote,

Aboot the foot

No picture this morning because I didn't want to hold Garrett up too much on his way out the door. I need to take a shower while he's still here in case I fall, Life Alert style. The bruises are even bigger, but there's less pain when I stand up without the boot.

Ah, the boot. It hurts to stand up, but it's not my foot that hurts, it's my lower back. I have issues anyway, and standing with one foot higher than the other becomes uncomfortable surprisingly quickly.

Sitting down also gets old, because there are only a couple of positions I can sit in. Mainly, I really miss being able to cross that leg. I can put my left leg on my right, but not my right on my left.

I try to be interesting and post a lot. I have a feeling that'll be tough for a while.


    BONUS Saturdogs Many thanks to: Animals Being Dicks…

  • SchadenFriday and Caturday are ending this week

    Recently I noticed almost all of the images in Caturday were coming from the same source, which meant the others had mostly dried up and it was time…


    BONUS Saturdogs Many thanks to: Animals Being Dicks Señor Gif k00l 4 k@+z Almost…

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    BONUS Saturdogs Many thanks to: Animals Being Dicks…

  • SchadenFriday and Caturday are ending this week

    Recently I noticed almost all of the images in Caturday were coming from the same source, which meant the others had mostly dried up and it was time…


    BONUS Saturdogs Many thanks to: Animals Being Dicks Señor Gif k00l 4 k@+z Almost…