- 10:14 Wondering if they read tweets tagged #seafair before putting them on TV. 8===> #
- 11:17 THESE BURGERS ARE CRAZY #seafair #
- 11:36 I want the Oberto hydroplane to pick me up and take me to the Oberto factory store. #seafair #
- 13:48 Blue Angels in a daisy chain formation! Push out! #seafair #
- 13:55 Coffee is workin' its magic. #logboom #seafair #
- 14:13 #seafair is great but it needs more corgis! #
- 15:01 Four lesbians leave. RT @knitpurl: 3 lesbians and a straight girl walk onto a beach... (@ Denny Blaine Park) 4sq.com/o3rXWt #
EDIT: I saw the one in bold above on TV as well as this one from