christopher575 (christopher575) wrote,


With the blister pads Joce recommended in place, I decided to resume my morning walk today. It was painful but doable. I should have set my alarm a few minutes earlier to account for walking slower. When I got to the bus stop, it was 5:50 and the bus is due at 5:53. A little closer than I'm comfortable with. 

We're now far enough into the summer that it wasn't particularly dark when I left the house. The difference was interesting because I saw a lot more stuff than I have before. A person even walked past me at one point. By far, the best thing I saw all morning was a black cat crossing the street only to be chased down the road by a crow, at which point a black and white cat ran across the street to where the first cat originally came from.

Having to skip yesterday bummed me out.


    BONUS Saturdogs Many thanks to: Animals Being Dicks…

  • SchadenFriday and Caturday are ending this week

    Recently I noticed almost all of the images in Caturday were coming from the same source, which meant the others had mostly dried up and it was time…


    BONUS Saturdogs Many thanks to: Animals Being Dicks Señor Gif k00l 4 k@+z Almost…

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