christopher575 (christopher575) wrote,

Fruit cup lolz

I've had three chances to order my daily fruit cup since they made the switch and I can't serve it up myself. The first time was with my old arch enemy, the sandwich lady who likes to cut me off at the coffee machine. She makes sandwiches and wraps all the time, so she understands how to make things fit in other things. Ever try to close an overstuffed wrap? It isn't pretty. She flew along the row of fruit and did a great job flinging a little bit of each into the cup.

Yesterday, someone I don't recognize at all helped me and made the classic salad bar mistake. You put down too much lettuce, and even just a little of each thing you want piles up way too high. She saw her error halfway through and said something along the lines of, "Oh no! I can make this work. Don't worry, you'll get some of everything." She managed to balance some of everything on there and crammed it down with a lid that couldn't close. I got it all the way back to my desk without incident, though. 

The guy who got stuck with me today really blew it. There were six fruits there, and he started by filling the cup halfway up with strawberries. He started to panic on the third fruit, so I told him not to worry about the honeydew.

It's interesting to watch people do things like this. Like putting pepperoni on a pizza. You need to have a plan, or else one side will have too much and the other won't have enough. And that's never good. Unless you want to hog all the pepperoni.

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