christopher575 (christopher575) wrote,

Podcast Appreciation Month: I Seem Fun: The Diary of Jen Kirkman

I really enjoyed Jen Kirkman's book which came out a few months ago, I Can Barely Take Care of Myself, but I got tired of her Twitter because she's one of those celebrities that engages people who don't like her too much. Sure, the jerks should be called out for their crap, but when that's most of what's going on in the feed, it's hardly worth reading.

I'm glad she started podcasting. So far, she just sits in her bed and talks for a while about whatever she's thinking about. On the most recent one I heard, she started reading some listener emails, and hopefully that'll be the extent of the show's "features." It's more fun to just hear her train of thought pull into the station, depart late, and jump the tracks.


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