Not a particularly eventful day, though. Had a swim. Discovered one of the rubber tips for my earbuds was missing so I could only listen in one ear. I'd forgotten how noisy the pool really is, even if the people themselves aren't loud. And it's not a big deal, because four spares were included. And the timing was pretty good; I'm working my way through the Lip Locked episodes and the one I played today was a guest mix. I'm not skipping those, but if I can't hear as well one day, it may as well be during a guest mix.
This afternoon I'll be helping a friend move her computer to her new house, which I'm excited to see. While she was shopping for a new place, I sent her several listings a week to check out, but her agent ended up finding her one that wasn't even on the market. That means there hasn't even been a listing for me to snoop through, so other than some photos she sent over, I haven't seen much. I drove by one time on the way to my walk, and it's a very lovely area.
Moving a computer, that's a funny thing. It used to be such a chore for me, and I also had to do it for work a lot, but for four years now, I've had nothing but laptops. My desk has a docking station and two monitors, but nothing's very bulky. The only desktop computer I've touched in that four years is the same one I'm moving today, last time I had to help her out with something. Times really change.
A lot of people prefer tablets for casual browsing, but I'm a laptop guy. You have to hold a tablet up, after all. Laptops stay up on their own. And I can type really, really fast.