christopher575 (christopher575) wrote,

Lapping it up

Yesterday was my first trip to the Snohomish Aquatic Center since I got the CPAP. I wear a snorkel and do laps there because the recreation pool is only three feet deep, and the competition pool is set up as lanes all the way across. Of course there's nothing stopping me from treading water in a lane, but it'd feel weird. Anyway, the nostril plug I use with the snorkel isn't very comfortable, and my nostrils were pretty sore for the first couple of weeks while I got used to the CPAP, so it made no sense to irritate them further. Sometimes my nose hurts while the CPAP is on, but I'm beyond the point now where the pain lasts throughout the day. So I figured yesterday would be a nice day to head out there again.

I loved that this tree was perfectly positioned between two tree shadows when I got there.


And it warms my heart to see that the facility is inclusive.

More of these, please.

Doing laps once in a while is ok but yesterday was such a great reminder of why I prefer treading. The new goggles I ordered hadn't arrived yet, so I was using another pair I have that I'm not terribly fond of. The nostril plug was uncomfortable enough that I took it out for the last 15 minutes, which required lots of concentration. The replacement tip for my earbud wasn't working as well as the old one did, so I kept getting water in my ear. Oh well.

Ended up getting chatted up by a woman in the hot tub who managed to tell me way more than I ever would have wanted to know, but she was nice and has had a rough go of it lately, so I wasn't mad about it.

What did annoy me a bit was the woman in front of me in line at Safeway. It baffles me a bit when anyone writes a check any more, but if you insist on doing it, please pay attention and write the correct amount so you don't end up starting completely over. If you can write a check quickly, that's another thing entirely, but I swear it was like she was having a hard time composing a limerick.

My transaction was funny. When you pay with a card, the machine wants a signature for any amount over $50. Mine was $50.03, which is definitely the closest I've come to $50 exactly.

For lunch I decided to get some food to bring back home. It was really sunny yesterday and I didn't feel like sitting in a possibly-hot restaurant and driving back in a hot car, but a certain dish I had recently was on my mind. This Bankok fried chicken is amazing.

Bankok fried chicken. Way too much food, so most of the pad Thai and some of the rice went in the freezer.

The great thing about takeout is that you can easily divide it into two meals instead of trying to decide when to stop at the restaurant and ask for a box. I ate all the chicken and vegetables, most of the curry rice, and a bite of the pad thai. A little bit of the rice and most of the pad thai is in the freezer now for Garrett's lunch on Monday. Or whenever. It's frozen so there's no hurry.

Full disclosure, I also don't like sitting in that restaurant because the owner acts really put out by having to serve anyone. So I'll eat his food, but I'd rather not endure his dour expression. Ordering on Grubhub for pickup was really convenient since they accept Paypal.

And just because, here's a photo of the taco dinner I made last night.


All have a flour tortilla, soyrizo, grilled onions, sour cream, avocado, and "power mix" greens. Half have pickled red onions, and half have salsa. Brown rice with black beans and salsa on the side.


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