Not too much to see today, though I did finally explore that creepy overgrown bit of land at the North end a bit today. Turns out there are two paths going up. Maybe they form a loop. I didn't go very far on either one because I started finding garbage and discarded clothes. Pass. Someone set up a little pirate shelter on the beach next to it, though.

The sky was cloudy and nice the whole time, and the tide was high.

6.23 miles in 2:06, 13,741 steps
I wasn't even committed to going out today since it's a day off. I turned the alarm off before bed and figured if I was awake, I'd go, and if not, no big deal. It was a pretty rough night of sleep, and when I finally gave up, I looked at my phone to see what time it was. Exactly 4:00am, the time my alarm normally sounds. Figures.
EDIT: oh yay, after most of yesterday's stuff fell off, my Snapchat story fell below the threshold (20 videos max) and could be exported. It starts with one of our Skip-Bo games yesterday.