I was surprised on my way up to see someone heading down on the center trail below me using a flashlight. It may have even been a headlamp judging by the look of it. Last year I used to see someone who jogged up wearing one, and it may well be the same person. Just after that, when I got to the point where the tracks and the trail converge, I looked back out of habit and saw that someone was coming up on a bike. Turns out it was a guy I've been seeing a lot lately, usually as I'm heading back down. He's clearly on his way to work and has to go at the same time, so I saw him earlier on my walk because I left later.
The light arrived as I did my two passes on the access road at the top that I like. I love how the trees lean in so much because of the wide-angle lens.
There's a strange little utility box rusting away on a pole at the end of that road. The light today was perfect for a good photo of it.
On my way down, I had a hard time getting good photos of the trees. The light was beautiful, but didn't really translate too well on the screen. But maybe I should have hit the shutter anyway, as I thought this one was going to turn out much different than it did.
4.1 miles in 1:24, 9,104 steps, 404ft gain
It almost feels pointless to post the map when I do this route since I've done it so many times. But I'm a completist that way.