christopher575 (christopher575) wrote,

Low-key fun

I'm always saying that a lot of our holidays in the USA are simply at the wrong time of year. Everyone needs to fly across the country at Christmas? Let's have it at the time of year with the most weather-related travel issues. Want everyone to dress up in suits for your wedding? Have it outside in the sun in June! Independence Day's another one. It's not even dark enough for fireworks until 10:20! We know we'll never be up late enough for that, so we decided to do an afternoon weenie roast each year so people can come by for lunch, beer, and croquet, and still have their whole evening free for other stuff. Perfect.

We grill up hot dogs and set out a nice assortment of toppings for them. This isn't even everything, there was also cream cheese and red onions. Guests bring sides and desserts.


I really liked the way the flags looked lining up perfectly with their mirror universe counterparts.


I remembered to get a picture of the prize table this year! It's surprisingly hard to give away prizes, I don't know when everyone suddenly became minimalists.


I've been waiting to show off this hat for months.


The full outfit. My friend Nancy really liked my shirt, so I changed into an alternate a while later. It was a black and grey flag tank top that was less comfortable due to its artificial fabric. I stayed inside a lot anyway.

July 4th

It was a gorgeous day. Not overly hot, very pretty skies.


Our new neighbors came over toward the end and we got to pop over to their place and see the progress inside. They've got a lot to do, but they got a pretty good deal on the house and will gain a lot of equity when they get the unpermitted extension up to code. They're cool people and we're lucky to have them next door.

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