christopher575 (christopher575) wrote,


I certainly don't mind a good routine. It only becomes a rut if you don't enjoy it. Tuesdays at the marina are still quite fun.

The sky is still flat and dull, but the moon was full and bright, so I figured that the Podo may as well watch it set.


Redundant labeling.


I'm sure you know what I think when I see this.


The novelty of this hazy sun has definitely worn off. And apparently now we're breaking the record for days without rain? Ugh.


Pretty squares. And a truck. There are lots of interesting vehicles at the marina every time I go.


A little conference I interrupted on the way to pick up the Podo on the fishing pier.


The video is interesting because of the moon, but not really Instagram-worthy, so I just put it on YouTube.

I woke up last night and was so wide awake, I figured my 4am alarm might be about to go off. It was only 11:30pm. I watched some Deep Space Nine for a couple of hours and fell back asleep, and am thankful it's a mellow day. My team's weekly conference call is at 3:30 and a quick snooze might be in order before then.

It occurred to me that I might need to kill a little time on Friday before checking into my rental. Maybe a movie in Bellingham is in order. I'm almost certainly having sushi in Marysville for lunch on my way up. They have a conveyor belt sushi joint, and I love those, and it's been forever since I've been to one.

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