christopher575 (christopher575) wrote,

For the birds

It's going to be a very busy week, and I wish I had the option to run to the pool for a quick swim each day, but that's off the table because I have fresh tattoos. I guess that's the big news. I spent three hours on the table on Friday and now my left arm is completely tattooed! I'm going to wait to share photos, though. It's swollen and looks like there's red ink when there's only black, and the new black stuff is so dark it looks fake. Totally normal for heavy blackwork.

This last week was crazy, too, but I got out a couple of times.

The moon was very intense on Tuesday at the marina.


It felt like I was in Stranger Things when I took this one.


We don't usually see much of the sunsets around here because we're on the wrong side of a large hill, but once in a while our side of the sky picks it up. Caught the moonrise, too.

This is three and a half hours of Steve's nap that started before I turned the camera on and went on long after the battery ran out.

It was raining a lot when I left this morning, but thankfully it cleared up. I would have walked anyway, but it was nice not to get soaked. This is the largest formation of geese (I think!) that I've seen in a while, I was lucky to cross paths with it.

Right now there's a loop all the way around the area and today was the second time in a row I've gone the whole way. Plus I got there before any hunters so I did the hunting trail, too. I also did the loop counterclockwise, which I won't do again because a fence is going up, and if they put up a long enough one that I can't pass, I'd encounter it toward the end of a very long walk and have to go much too far to get back.


We went to Buck's today for our first time, which is silly considering how long we've lived here now. It was a great breakfast, even though their bloody marys aren't very good. Garrett got the monte cristo, and I haven't seen or tasted one that good since they were popular in the '80s.


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