christopher575 (christopher575) wrote,

No Repeat T-Shirt Week 1

We didn't turn on our cameras at my old job but I'll probably make at least one appearance every Monday-Thursday at the new one. (Fridays are a quiet day for us because it's Saturday in Australia, and the same is true Mondays for them because it's Sunday here.) I thought it'd be fun to see how long I can go without being seen in the same t-shirt twice. I'd gotten into the habit of wearing the same shirt several days in a row for years now, and only wearing light-colored ones at home so cat hair and beard dandruff wouldn't show so much. It's actually pretty funny to scroll my TikTok page and see how many videos in a row have a similar thumbnail and wonder, just how many days am I looking at with that shirt?

I have so many t-shirts even after a major cull several months ago. It'll be fun to wear them all again and maybe even donate a few more. Week 1:

week1-a week1-b
week1-c week1d
Tags: norepeattshirtweeks

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